Bob Mezzo
43 Olde Farm Lane, Naugatuck, CT 06770
Tomorrow, Naugatuck Pop Warner will begin its 16th season playing youth football, supported by its cheerleading program. Founded in 2008 by my friend and fellow coach, the late Paul McGrath, NPW has enriched the lives of numerous student-athletes over the years. As the new president, I would like to thank the amazing board members, coaches, parents and families that have worked so hard to get us in a position to start the season.
For a variety of circumstances, this year presented significant challenges that threatened the existence of the program. There was a time in July when it appeared we would not have a season. An entirely new board was formed on short notice, comprised of community-minded and kind-hearted people who came together to put the best interests of our kids, their families and our program first. I am honored to know all of you and so grateful for all you have done. You may never know how you have touched the young lives in our program in such a positive way, but you have.
As always, I must thank and praise God for what I can only describe as divine intervention. So many things went right for the organization at I time we couldn’t afford for them to go wrong.
Accepting the offer to be the interim president was not an easy decision for me, and one I almost declined. After a community meeting where my skills of diplomacy failed miserably, I made a decision not to accept the position, as I thought the task was too large and diffiult. Like with any big decision, I called this smart, pretty girl I know from Ansonia to tell her that it wasn’t going to happen. As always, she told me get back in the “Arena”, trust in yourself and the people around you, and do the right thing regardless of the outcome. Fortunately I listened to her and things started to fall into place immediately after.
I don’t know what this season has in store for us, but I do know this: it’s happening, Week 1, Naugy Football and Cheerleading. Let’s do this! Go Hounds!!!
Disclaimer: Any content of a political nature on this website has been approved by and personally paid for by Bob Mezzo.